Thank you for your interest in publishing on our website. If you are submitting a post for publication, please ensure that it conforms to the following guidelines.
1. Please limit posts to 1500 words.
2. Please remember to include a title for your post.
3. Please provide a byline consisting of your name and where you work. If you would like a disclaimer that the views expressed in your post do not reflect the views of your organization, please let us know.
4. If you have any direct connection to the litigation that your post is about (e.g., you are an amicus or you authored a brief), please let us know so that we may make an appropriate disclosure.
5. Please submit posts in a Microsoft Word or other compatible word processing document by email to
6. In general, we will publish all posts that we receive timely. We reserve the right not to publish any post for any reason, although we hope to exercise that right rarely or never. If we refuse to publish a post you submitted, we will explain why we refused to do so if you ask us.
7. We will not edit or alter submissions in any way, except that we may add hyperlinks to other TwentyEagle content to which your post refers.
If you have any questions about these guidelines, please feel free to email your question to Thanks so much!